Description: This learning video is for Costpoint Time users who access it from a mobile device. It includes demonstrations on basic time process available for mobile.
SME and Instructor: Valerie Danielson
Duration: 20:30
Introduction 54s
Login and Timesheet 4m 43s
Adding a Timesheet Charge Line
and Project 7m 37s
Mobile Timesheet Features 2m 44s
Menu Timesheet Options 6m 37s
Conclusion 35s
Introduction 00:00
Welcome to Deltek University's Learning Zone for Costpoint users. My name is Valerie Danielson, and I've been an instructor here with Deltek for a little over two years. I've been a Deltek consultant for the four years previous to that and have been on the Costpoint product for at least 15 years. As so, I am so excited to lead you through this training today. It's important that I note to you that in this learning video, you will be able to view specific topics by selecting the index tab and choosing the desired subject. I sincerely hope that you enjoyed this training and all that it has to offer.
Login and Timesheet 00:54
Welcome to Costpoint 8 and the Mobile Time application.
Begin by navigating to the Costpoint icon on your Mobile device. Today, I will be using an Apple iPhone device. Once installed, my device will automatically take me to the welcome user page to enter in my pin, or if configured can be logged in using the face recognition. For this example, I will log in using the pin enter the six digit pin and select the green checkbox. The application will now gather my individual timesheet information and take me to the current timesheet period and date.
Now, let's take a short tour of the timesheet as it is populated now. On the main portion of the screen, a user can see current timesheet period as August 1 2020 through August 15 2020 on a semi monthly basis. The current time sheet date is August 12 2020, and my total hours for the day are zero.
Now let's tour the actual features of the main time sheet screen. At the top of the screen, we have a menu bar that provides a hamburger menu on the left hand side. Opening this hamburger menu, a user can navigate to different sections of the Mobile Costpoint application. These sections include time, capture receipts, expense reports, tasks, leave, settings, help and log out. Using the time button, a user can navigate back to the current timesheet.
Now looking to the right hand side of the screen, an ellipsis button is available that provides a user access to a period summary and also the ability to search for time sheets. In our main timesheet screen, a user will have the ability to move from day to day within the application each day providing insight into the charging activity a user logs, you will notice that nothing has been populated for today's date yet. A user should also take note of the blue arrows in front of an after the dates of the timesheet period. These arrows allow a user to navigate between timesheet periods quickly.
At the bottom of the timesheet application, a user will find another menu bar at provides four separate icons for use.
The first a calendar option will allow the user to also move from day to day in the timesheet application. Select any date within the calendar to view that timesheet date and period on the screen. For this example, we will move to a previous time sheet entered in for June 1. The screen will now display the timesheet period for June 1 2020 through June 15 2020, and provides timesheet lines that have been charged against eight hours have been charged for Project 1062 510.
The second menu item is the signature button. By selecting this button, a user can sign and attest to the timesheet charges per company policies. In this example, a message is received specifying that charges incurred are in accordance with company policies. These messages are set up in Costpoint time and are company designated. Once verified, a pop up message saying that the timesheet has been signed will appear and the status at the top of the timesheet screen will change to signed.
The third button the save icon and will allow a user to save the timesheet after changes have been made. This action acts in the same manner as a regular timesheet and can require explanations when items are added or removed depending on the configuration of the company.
The final button available in this menu is the plus icon button. This button allows a user to add a charge line to the timesheet.
Next, we will walk through adding a timesheet charge line or project to the timesheet.
Adding a Timesheet Charge Line and Project 05:39
Adding a timesheet charge line or project to the timesheet is an easy exercise. In this example, we will add a project to the date August 3. First, we will navigate to the date August 3 using the calendar button on the bottom menu of the timesheet screen. Next, we will select the plus button from the bottom menu of the timesheet screen. Once selected, we have the choice to choose from favorited projects or use the lookup charges
For the first time sheet line on August 3, we will select from the Favorites using Project 10625 dot one zero as our project. This will in turn bring up an add charge screen. On the Add charge screen, we now have the ability to add or change the project charging information. Here we will select the hour section and add four hours to the timesheet line by clicking the arrow button on the hours line item. This will enable a pop up box at the bottom of the timesheet to appear. Now allowing a user to select the number of hours to populate. This box encompasses adding and subtracting hours, whole number hours, and designated fractional hours as well. Highlighting the correct values in blue. We'll select those hours and clicking done will add the line to the timesheet. Other values such as our comments, the account the Location Code, the PLC, and pay type can also be changed in this screen dependent on your company and your user setup. It's important to note that a user can also select to have this charge code added to their favorites and to also have it auto populate on the timesheet upon entry by simply clicking the radio buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Next, we will add a second time sheet line this time using the charge lookup option, First, select the plus button at the bottom of the timesheet. This will bring up the lookup screen, select lookup charges. On the lookup charges screen, there is an option to search on different project criteria. Selecting the drop down labeled project ID will provide selections at the bottom of the timesheet screen selections here include project ID, and name, Mo ID and Name or account ID and Name. For this example, we will search based on project ID highlight the correct option in blue, and select the Done button to search by that criteria.
Now, moving to the box search string, a user can enter a project ID data to search on. For this example, we will search based on project ID 10. This will bring back any projects beginning with the project ID Have 10 from here, we will select the 10220 dot 10 charge code and add four hours for August 3, leaving all other attributes of the Edit charge screen the same and then selecting done to complete the timesheet line. On the main timesheet screen, two line items will now be visible and the total hours on the right hand side of the screen will be updated to eight hours.
Lastly, let's save the time sheet using the Save button icon at the bottom of the screen.
Now, it is time to simulate signing a timesheet. For this example, we will navigate to a completed open timesheet period of June 1st 2020 through June 15th 2020. You will notice that in the right hand corner of the time sheet, the status reads as open if we scroll through the days within the period days worked have been completed, we will select the signature button at the bottom menu of the timesheet screen. A Costpoint time message will appear certifying that the charges are correct and comply with company policies. Clicking OK will sign the time sheet for the period and update the open status in the right hand corner to assign status.
Now that we have simulated navigating through a time sheet, adding lines saving and signing a time sheet, let's take a look at some of the other features.
Mobile Timesheet Features 10:31
Navigating back to the top right hand corner of the screen. Select the ellipsis button to open other Mobile timesheet features. The option for view summary will allow a user to view a timesheet period in its entirety. This screen provides header data with the timesheet status, the amount of hours charged for that period, and the revision number of that specific time sheet. Looking further into the screen, a user can select to view data by three different views, day charge and pay type.
Using the day view, a user can view each time sheet date listed with the charge code, amount of hours and pay type for each line item. Use the charge view to see the charges summarized by charge code and pay type. And then use the arrows next to each charge number to allow a pop up screen to see the hours charged by day. Use the pay type option to view charges grouped by pay type.
Select the ellipsis button again from any of these screen views. To select even more options, the calendar option will take you back to the calendar view. The sign option will take the user to the signature screen for any country. Signed timesheet. The audit option will take you to the audit screen where you a user can view the signature details of each revision, view the revision comments, and view any warnings that may be preventing the user from saving or signing the timesheet. Lastly, the day view will take the user back to the day that they were originally trying to add or revise time for once back in the day screen.
Select the ellipsis button again to execute the timesheet search option. Here, a user can select to search by various timesheet criteria, including the period function, group, last name, I D, and timesheet status.
Make sure you use that view summary to your advantage. Stopping in Using it when you're in your timesheet will ensure that you have all of your hours logged correctly for your timesheet period. This I s a great way to make sure that you've accounted for all eight or all 88 hours within that timesheet period. It also ensures that your charges are correct and that your pay type has been selected correctly in the Mobile application.
Menu Timesheet Options 13:16
Lastly, for our user in the Costpoint Mobile timesheet application, let's take a look back at the menu screen in the left hand corner to understand the different timesheet options here. Since we have already walked through the time option in detail, let's start with tasks. Expense options are covered in the Costpoint Mobile expense application training. Selecting the tasks button will take users to a new pop up screen providing open tasks for individual users here user will see tasks designated by colors. As shown here. Red tasks are high priority tasks, such as signing and updating timesheets. Items shown in yellow are designated as medium priority. Tasks that are displayed in the black color are designated as low priority tasks. Selecting the arrow to the right hand side of each task displayed will take the user to the pop out screen with each of the individual selected tasks that are open for the user.
In this example, we will navigate to the update timesheets task. Here we can view to timesheets are currently in need of an update. Selecting the timesheet period, ending April 30 2020 will navigate us directly to the timesheet period. For this update timesheet task, our timesheet needed updating because it is in a rejected status. From here, we can navigate to the ellipsis button. Select the view summary, and then select the ellipsis button again to select the audit feature to view any notes as to why the time sheet has been rejected.
For this example, it appears that no rejection reason has been provided in the audit trail. However, a supervisor reached out by email to provide the rejection reason as Tuesday, April 28, was charged incorrectly to the overhead code where it should have been charged to the project code 10625 dot one zero using that information, let's go ahead and correct this rejected time sheet and resubmit it navigate to April 28 2020, and select the Overhead 19CL Project arrow to bring up the Edit charge screen. Select the arrow next to the hours box and change the hours from eight to zero. Select the Done button and then select the Done button at the top of the Edit charge screen. This will zero out the line item.
Now select the charge line for 10625 dot one zero. Selecting the hours box directly will bring up hour selection box directly without having to go to the Edit charge screen. Select eight hours and then select Done. Now select the Save button at the bottom of the screen. This will bring up an excellent explanation screen where we can put a simple explanation of incorrect hours charged. We corrected the hours once completed our time sheet status will change from rejected to open. Go to the ellipsis button in the top right hand corner and select the View summary to ensure 88 hours have been recorded for the timesheet period. Once verified, select the date view to go back to the timesheet screen.
Lastly, we can sign the timesheet for resubmission. By selecting the signature button at the bottom, and attesting to the correctness of the timesheet, the timesheet status should again change from open to signed. Moving back to the tasks button in the menu screen, we should now see the tasks item update time sheets moved from two to one item.
Moving to the leave item within the tasks menu button or user can view all leave available for use or select the arrow buttons to view the details of that leave item. Here, we will select vacation and we can see the beginning balance the amount accrued within the leave year, the amount taken to date, any adjustments that have been made, and then the available balance for use. Below the detail transactions show when hours have been taken, and when they've also been accrued.
Now navigate to the settings item within the tasks menu button. Here a user can view and change their own personal settings, such as how they want to log in using a pin or face recognition, if they want to enable or disable usage tracking, and also set their timezone and various other options. They're also able to actually change their pin from this screen able to choose to have the device they're currently on. Forget me on this device so that login for login information is no longer stored.
Lastly, we have the help and logout buttons. Using the Help button will take you directly to the online Costpoint help for the Costpoint Mobile application. Here, you're able to choose the links to get you to support or back to the Costpoint help documentation. Use this menu item whenever needed to see helpful documentation on how to use the Costpoint Mobile application and release information. By selecting the logout button, a user can successfully log out of the Costpoint Mobile application all together.
Conclusion 19:54
Thank you for attending this Learning Video. Please remember that you can review any subject covered in this training by selecting the Index Tab and choosing the desired topic. Please visit the Deltek University Learning Zone to view the entire library of Deltek Costpoint training materials. We welcome any comments and feedback to help us improve your learning experience.