Deltek University

The Future of AIA MasterSpec® via Microsoft Word Format FAQ

The information below addresses some of the most frequently asked questions about the announcement from the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and its strategic partner, Deltek, Inc., about the Future of AIA MasterSpec.

AIA MasterSpec is evolving and has moved into an intelligent digital format delivered through a state of the art specification authoring and collaboration solution – Deltek Specpoint. Together, the digital MasterSpec content delivered through Deltek Specpoint will make it easier for you to create and collaborate on better, more sustainable construction specification deliverables. As you prepare to evolve your specification processes, you may have questions. Here are answers to some of the frequently asked questions from other MasterSpec users like you.

AIA in partnership with Deltek released Specpoint – the new home of AIA MasterSpec in September 2021. Deltek Specpoint is an all-in-one cloud-based specification solution and houses AIA MasterSpec in its new digital format. All the same, content and updates you've used and found in the MasterSpec product delivered via Microsoft Word is now available through Specpoint. In support of MasterSpec moving to a digital format, after the MasterSpec Q2 2023 quarterly update, scheduled for release on June 30, 2023, updates to MasterSpec content will only be made available digitally via Deltek Specpoint.
Deltek Specpoint is a cloud-based design automation tool that is now the home of AIA MasterSpec and its content. Deltek Specpoint will help architects and engineers reduce risks and improve project outcomes with the combination of its innovative approach to authoring specifications and the industry proven content provided via MasterSpec.

Specpoint is the new home of AIA MasterSpec and is built to improve collaboration and efficiency for developing construction specifications. Here are the top five reasons why your firm should start using Specpoint:

  • Access the most up-to-date AIA Master Spec content
  • Continually source the most up-to-date product information, including sustainable products
  • Improve team collaboration with a more iterative process
  • Improve efficiency and reduce risk with better quality project manuals
  • Leverage a more modern assembly-based approach for better data driven decisions

We realize you have many projects in progress using the MasterSpec Word documents. We encourage you to complete those projects using the Word documents and begin new projects in Specpoint. It is easy to get started with Specpoint and Deltek has tools and resources available in the Customer Assistance Program (CAP) to help your teams create their first project in Specpoint. You will learn more about CAP when you gain access to Specpoint.

As an existing MasterSpec user, you have access to Specpoint at no additional charge when you renew your MasterSpec subscription. If you want to start using Specpoint before renewal, just contact the Deltek Specification Solutions Customer Success Team and they can get you started today.

With Specpoint, you no longer need to download and manage separate Microsoft Word files for MasterSpec. You will always have the most up-to-date specs right in Specpoint and can easily export your specifications to Microsoft Word if needed. In support of MasterSpec moving to a digital format, after the MasterSpec Q2 2023 quarterly updated, scheduled for release on June 30, 2023, update to MasterSpec content will only be available digitally via Deltek Specpoint.

Deltek will continue to update MasterSpec on the same cadence you have come to trust, but you will simply access the updated specifications directly from Deltek Specpoint. MasterSpec Q2 2023 Word files will be available for download until at least December 29, 2023.

No, Deltek will no longer sell separate MasterSpec (Word) libraries.

At the time of your annual MasterSpec subscription renewal, you will be provided Specpoint at no additional charge. With Specpoint, you receive all MasterSpec updates in the cloud and will no longer have to manually download the quarterly MasterSpec updates to your internal system.

Deltek's Customer Care services will be available for MasterSpec and MasterWorks through the end of 2025.

Yes, you can use the MasterSpec (word) documents; but updates to MasterSpec content will only be available in Specpoint beginning July 1, 2023. You risk specifying outdated or incorrect product information by not sourcing the most up-to-date MasterSpec content available in Specpoint – the home of AIA MasterSpec.

To make a smooth transition to Specpoint, Deltek has created a number of user-friendly tools and resources to help you easily create your first projects and specifications with Specpoint. Launched directly from within the Deltek Specpoint application software:

  • Engagements to provide quick insight to new product features and enhancements
  • Tutorials and access to all-inclusive self-serve Specpoint product training videos
  • Comprehensive Specpoint Customer Assistance Program (CAP) with a variety of learning aids and resources
  • Specpoint Onboarding Team to help you transition to Specpoint and assist with starting your first project

By leveraging the technology platform of Specpoint, it will enable more frequent MasterSpec content updates from quarterly updates to continuous groups of updates so you can get more relevant content faster.

Products in the Specpoint product database are vetted by Deltek professional staff to ensure they meet building product type criteria. Not all products in the Specpoint product research database qualify for the MasterSpec badge. For example, one of MasterSpec’s criteria is national product distribution. There are many viable local/regional products that are not available for national distribution that A&Es may wish to specify. Specpoint does not limit who can list their products in Specpoint, as long as the product has been vetted and approved for inclusion as a viable building product. Premium and Proprietary listings will contain associated data that can auto generate the inclusion and/or details of a product type, family, or assembly.

While you can continue to use MasterWorks with your MasterSpec Word documents to complete projects in progress, we recommend beginning new projects in Deltek Specpoint. MasterWorks will move to Maintenance Support effective August 2022 and Sustaining Support July 1, 2024. To learn more about the product lifecycle phases, click here.

Please contact the Deltek Specification Solutions Customer Success Team at for assistance.